Our First Married Christmas!

The holidays, regardless of which ones you celebrate are about family, traditions, and appreciation. On August 9th of this year, I was married to Kate and welcomed with open arms to their family. One of the best days of my life, and the beginning of a brand new...

Swish Away Your Negative Thoughts

Whether you are good or bad at it, we ALL visualize things before doing it. Just like we all have that pesky inner voice and dialogue that never seems to mute itself. I want to present you with a technique I have used with many clients and myself that is a powerful...

You Have a Secret Power

Why do adults love being around children? Do they have special powers, are we naturally drawn to them, or do they uncover a piece of us that wishes we could be just as happy as they are? One thing is for sure, they smile and they do it a lot. When you...